Shipping & Agency

We provide comprehensive shipping services to deliver your goods worldwide, serving as your one-stop solution through our in-house agency. Our software directly integrates with the Port of Rotterdam Authority platform, enabling us to efficiently manage any request.

Cranes in-use. Trucks are being loaded. Copper stacked on the left.

Moreover, we maintain direct connections with multiple suppliers to fulfill all your vessel requirements. From groceries to medicine and other ship supplies, we can get hold of everything you need.

Additionally, we provide lay-by berths, waiting berths, and support for ship repairs utilizing our cranes and other handling equipment, in collaboration with our partners. Metaal Transport offers lay-by berths for various types of vessels, including sea-going vessels, ships, and pontoons.

Facts & Figures:

  • Our offer includes deep-sea chartering
  • Port Agency in the Port of Rotterdam
  • 11 metres of draft & 500 metres quay length

Please also look at our stevedoring activities for the loading and discharge of your vessel(s).

Logo Metaaltransport

Metaal Transport B.V.

Heijplaatweg 16

3089 JC Rotterdam

The Netherlands

Tel: +31 10 49 13 200
Fax: +31 10 49 50 850

Terms & Conditions